The Seven Grace Gifts – Lesson 3 – Prophecy The New Testament reveals that each member of the Trinity gives special endowments, or gifts, to the Body of Christ. Most of famous these are the nine gifts of the Spirit. Second in fame are the fivefold ministry...
The Seven Grace Gifts – Lesson 2 – Charisma As A Special Function The New Testament reveals that each member of the Trinity gives special endowments, or gifts, to the Body of Christ. Most of famous these are the nine gifts of the Spirit. Second in fame are...
The Seven Grace Gifts – Lesson 1 – The Trinity Endowments The New Testament reveals that each member of the Trinity gives special endowments, or gifts, to the Body of Christ. Most of famous these are the nine gifts of the Spirit. Second in fame are the...
The Nature of Authority—Authority is the right or privilege to make decisions, give orders, and enforce obedience. It’s a lot more than just casting out demons or speaking to mountains. The primary purpose of authority is to create and maintain peace and harmony...
The Nature of Authority—Authority is the right or privilege to make decisions, give orders, and enforce obedience. It’s a lot more than just casting out demons or speaking to mountains. The primary purpose of authority is to create and maintain peace and harmony...